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GAC ERA concept Beijing auto show edition / 2024.

ERA concept is a project envisioning GAC (Trumpchi) brand 'clean energy era' strategy. The body type is - what we call - an 'AEROSUV' : It gives the user a protective and a high-drive position without giving away streamline design and lightweight solutions to obtain sustainability and efficiency. Styling is simple, pure and timeless : the emphasis was on beauty of proportion rather than fashionable styling features. We could describe this design this way : a mix of a 'fuselage' and a 'device' ( pure round aero forms with high-tech and precise details).

The car has been revealed during Guangzhou motor show in November 2023. The updated 'outdoor' version has been displayed at the Beijing auto show 2024.

The GAC ERA design team :


Head of GAC design worldwide : Fan Zhang

Design Director GAC Milan : Stephane Janin

Studio Chief GAC Milan : Yann Jarsalle (responsible for the design)

Chief modeler : Thomas Pellerin

Senior modeler : Slimane Toubale

modeler : Victor Pelin

also on Behance :

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